CTSTime Logo Time and Attendance Specialists

Time and Attendance Software

At CTSTime we focus on unlocking our Time and Attendance software capabilities to maximize your business success.

While CTSTime boasts many powerful clock system capabilities, it also caters to all your basic and advanced Time and Attendance needs.

Whether you have been using a clock system for ages or are new to the game, CTSTime will ensure that you use your clocking system capabilities to the maximum.

Your time is important to us, so we’re committed to providing you with the best possible training and support.

CTSTime Cloud Software Package and Pricing


  • up to 25 employees
  • installation *
  • 1 biometric device
  • support
  • T&C’s apply *
  • travel costs & VAT


  • up to 50 employees
  • installation *
  • 1 biometric device
  • support
  • T&C’s apply *
  • 1 Biometric Device
  • travel costs & VAT


  • up to 100 employees
  • installation *
  • 1 biometric device
  • support
  • T&C’s apply *
  • 1 biometric device
  • travel costs & VAT

*Enquire for specific numbers and requirements*

CTSTime Features

  • Web-based, multi-device accessibility
  • Self hosted solution if required
  • Own domain
  • Up-to-date on screen ‘In or Out’ register
  • Automatic Backups and Updates
  • Full system audit trail, including user who performed the action
  • Mobile clocking app for Android, IOS and Huawei (with Geofencing)
  • Push to cloud technology for physical hardware
  • Scanner monitor (for physical hardware)
  • Global Entry screen
  • Free updates available
  • Summary View window to provide immediate access to clockings and totals
  • Automatic Email and SMS Functionality
  • Dashboard and Exception drill down
  • Reports with automation and customisation
  • Export of screens to PDF or CSV
  • Export to payroll
  • Sync data with payroll for select payrolls
  • Statistics Dashboards
  • Employee leave records
  • Advanced rostering and Excel import
  • Timeticker desktop app for tracking time spent on jobs
  • Developed in South Africa
  • Daily database backup to a safe location (e.g. another PC on the network)
  • Caters for any public holidays (add or delete public holidays as they change)

Clock System Capabilities

track … measure … manage …

Time and Attendance software that caters to all your shift requirements, efficient payroll integration, ensures data accuracy, and looks at employee wellness.

The correct clocking system will save your company in HR hours and provide accurate payroll data. Automate calculations for:-


  • Paid public holidays
  • Employee scheduling
  • Shift allowance
  • 24-hour shifts
  • Shift assignments
  • Shift splits and more

Reports & Dashboard

streamline … optimize … innovate …

Enjoy your dashboard which offers a unique overview of your company, its departments, and employees. Shifting away from the negative stigma associated with time and attendance this offers you a more positive approach. Identify potential issues in advance, preventing them from becoming significant problems.Monitor daily information and the connectivity status of your devices.


  • Full system audit trail
  • Scanner status
  • Employee clock status
  • Reports and custom report builder
  • Export screens to PDF or csv
  • Dashboard widgets with drill-down functionality

Export to Payroll

integrate … monitor … audit …

Export or integrate with your favourite payroll systems:-

  • Sage
  • Payspace
  • Pastel
  • SimplePay
  • PSlber
  • and many more…

Enjoy our export overview screen allowing you to monitor the status and progress of batches.

A full audit trail of changes, approvals, or unlocking of departments and data is kept. This ensures complete traceability of activities.

Software Security & Access Control

empower … control … protect …

CTSTime provides multiple levels of software access control. Users will only access the pages and data that they are authorised to use.

Set various levels of time approval with our export module which enables you to distribute accountability for the approval of monthly time values across multiple departments.


  • Users with access control on page and department level
  • Full user audit trail
  • Accessible via laptop, phone or tablet with an internet connection
  • Time entry screen with indicators

Employee Wellness

policing … to … proactive management

Introducing our Time and Attendance Wellness Module. A vital part of the work we do here at CTSTime.

Our unique time and attendance wellness module allows you to take a completely new approach to time and attendance.

Move from “POLICING” to PROACTIVE management.

Proactively respond to system alerts, allowing you to manage departmental or individual cases before they become problematic.

  • Employee leave records
  • Leave trends
  • Advanced rostering and Excel import
  • Timeticker app for tracking time spent on jobs

Product View

  • No limit to the number of employees managed.
  • Custom defined fields.
  • Quick search using name, surname, employee number and/or id number.
  • Bulk import (including Sagem fingerprints), excellent for new installations.
  • Bulk export (to remote sites, including Sagem fingerprints)
  • Advanced grouping according to personal details (including custom fields)
  • Photos are captured per employee or loaded from existing file.
Daily Exceptions
  • Listing all missing clockings, absence and days with excessive short time.
  • Double click on an entry to apply any manual edits.
  • Unlimited categories (normal time, overtime, short time, night allowance etc)
  • Transfer of overtime to make up normal time (daily and/or weekly)
  • Optional overtime authorisation or declining OT (for any overtime category), one can force the operator to type in a comment for all hours authorised.
  • Option of approving of periodic summary, periodic totals and/or departmental totals before exporting to payroll easily implemented.
  • Caters for afternoon and night allowances with custom rules applied.
  • Rounding of daily and/or periodic time calculations.
  • Unlimited number of shifts.
  • Cater for very complex shift rule requirements.
  • Any shift applied per employee or group of employees.
  • Any and all break types (lunch, tea, toilet), paid or unpaid.
  • Daily and periodic calculations using rules and/or formulae.
  • Bonus times are achievable under certain conditions (public holiday, call outs)
  • Shifts exceeding 24 hours are catered for.
  • Grace times and ignoring of time clocked before shift start is easily managed.
  • Automatic shift allocation (shift sensing)
  • No need for dedicated ‘In’ and ‘Out’ readers. Only one reader required.
  • Bulk shift & pay group changes for any group of employees.
  • Automatic import and calculation of clockings.
  • Rounding of clockings, daily and/or periodic.
  • Interfaces with existing access control systems importing clocking transactions.
  • Add, delete or modify any clockings (audited and easily differentiated)
  • Bulk addition of clockings.
  • Unlimited number of clockings per day.
  • Able to ignore duplicate clockings (clocking ‘In’ or ‘Out’ multiple times)
  • Optional clocking groups (different T&A devices for different groups of employees)
  • Optionally use the first and last clocking of the day (ignoring in between clockings)
  • Late arrival, early departure and short time calculations.
  • Any type of manual adjustment for all time away from work.
  • Bulk adjustments for any employee(s) for any given date range.
  • Unlimited users all working concurrently.
  • Limit users to WHO and what REPORTS they can view and edit.
  • Limit users to WHAT functions they can perform in the software.
  • Enforce the expiry of the login password after a certain time period.
  • Enforce varying password complexity (Case, Digits, Special Characters, Length)
  • Multiple employee reminders (medical exams, fork lift licenses etc)
  • Acknowledgment of all reminders window.
  • Ability to remove employees’ access if reminder is not acknowledged.
Pay Groups
  • Multiple weekly, monthly, biweekly or any date-varying pay groups.
  • Custom formulae and rules applied to periodic totals with optional conditions.
  • Flexi-time (balance brought forward, current and time carried forward)
  • Automatic calculation of periodic time needed per month.

Access Control

Multiple access groups, each assigning any group of entry locations to any employee during specific times.

Option of 4 concurrent employee access groups (Scheduled access to specific areas)

Option to deny access to site if employee is late (Interrupting the assembly line)

Access to site can be automatically denied after certain inactivity periods.

Automatic e-mail notifications sent for any devices which go on/offline.